Testbook presents a Rajasthan Patwari preparation app particularly made to help you in cracking Rajasthan Patwari for ! By installing this app you will get access to Notes, Study Material, Current Affairs, Exam Notifications, Mock Tests and much more helpful stuff. Download the Rajasthan Patwari preparation app now!
Testbook has encompassed all the crucial aspects of Rajasthan Patwari exam in this Rajasthan Patwari preparation app that you will need to crack this examination in the very initial attempt itself.
Testbook is recognised for its uncomplicated way of paving the candidates’ way to success. When it comes to competitive exams, Testbook is a primary requisite element every candidate requires to crack the examination. Further, Testbook is committed to delivering the best learning experience. Join 1.9+ Cr Students and acquire your goals with one of India’s best faculties.
Download this app and get the following benefits:
All the national and international
Current Affairs
going on
Official Exam notifications, exam dates and
Latest Updates
about Rajasthan Patwari
Bilingual study notes and material
Rajasthan Patwari
Notes in Hindi
Rajasthan Patwari Mock Tests
to expert your preparation
Rajasthan Patwari Previous Years’ Papers
for your practice
Rajasthan Patwari Notes
by Testbook Learn
Major Subjects in Testbook Rajasthan Patwari Preparation App:
Listed below are the subjects covered in this app:
General Awareness
General Awareness and Reasoning
Current Affairs
Indian Literature
Analytical Reasoning
Many other subjects
Features in Testbook Rajasthan Patwari:
Mock Tests:
Testbook has exclusively curated effective mock tests to aid you in acing up your preparation for ! These mock tests come with on spot results, which would help you interpret your level of preparation.
Current Affairs:
Day to Day ongoing affairs across the country as well as internationally is being updated by Testbook in this app. Daily news about politics, economics, etc. is included in this app.
To make this app accessible for all and to aid most candidates in cracking the examination, Testbook has made this app Bilingual. Everything on this app from study notes to mock tests would be in Hindi.
Previous Years’ Papers:
Practicing and solving papers are the only supreme and effective way to successfully crack any examination. You will get previous years’ subject wise question papers in this app.
Hindi Notes:
Many candidates have Hindi as their first language. So, to assist them in levelling up their preparation, all the study notes, mock tests, etc are now available in Hindi too.
Mock Tests:
Testbook has exclusively curated effective mock tests to aid you in acing up your preparation. These mock tests come with on spot results, which would help you analyse your level of preparation.
Study Notes:
Topic-wise, chapter wise and detailed study notes are available on this app. These notes are easy to understand and contain intermediate level questions along them.
Tips & Tricks:
To help you crack Rajasthan Patwari, Testbook has come up with some tips and tricks which would ease your preparation even more.
Exam Notifications:
To keep you updated about the official notifications and much more, this Rajasthan Patwari App would notify you about all the official exam updates.
Testbook pass:
Testbook pass is solely made for the students to serve them in cracking examinations with fair merits and it involves 23000+ Tests, doubts clarification, 8000+ classes, 20000+ questions, video tips and tricks, discussions and more!
Rajasthan Patwari App is easy to use and contains everything from current affairs to mock tests and all that you would need to crack.
Disclaimer : Testbook does not represent or is affliated with any government entity.
Source: https://rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in/page?menuName=Home